ConsumeCardinal.comCardinal Mason's Little Website

I have never once claimed to be a website designer.In fact, one of the reasons I initially blew up on Twitter was because everyone marveled at how trash my freelancing website was, while I was making $40-50k a month as a copywriter in 2021.cardinalcopy.coI'll never change. This is what you get.I have been a writer for my entire life. I haven't always been good, but I've always loved it.I'm blessed to be able to share what I think and what I know with 45,000 people on Twitter, 400,000 on TikTok, and to 14,000 people that are currently active on my email list.When you sign up for my newsletter, you get emails that don't make you want to scoop your eyes out of your head with a spoon while reading.It's easy to read.
And I only deliver stuff that's actually gonna help you.
Not self-aggrandizing stories about how rich I am or how much better I am than everyone else. You don't need more of that.Upon sign-up, you'll get a welcome email from me that I'd love for you to reply to. That helps me.Then, you'll hear from me every couple of days with a business insight or a life tip that you can use or think about.Name and email, please. I'll see you in a few minutes.

Check spam for your confirmation email. Fresh domain type problems. I know you get it.

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